Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Babies Gladden the Heart (Especially GRANDbabies)

One of the highlights of 2010 was the arrival of Baby Bentley, daughter Theresa's and Mike's 2nd (left)...our 3rd grandchild. Another of the highlights, the arrival of Baby Jack, daughter Trisha's and US Army Capt. Kyle's first bambino, arrived in August (right). They join Theresa and Mike's, our number one grandson, Brody, (below).

Nearly six months since posting....

Months have slipped by. Cats have died. Company from Germany has come and stayed for five weeks, and finally gone. Thanksgiving came and went and a massive Christmas party came and went. Then Christmas. Ah, Christmas. It came, and a long with it, the stomach flu. Gudrun got hit first. It was Christmas Eve and company was coming.....Theresa & Mike and the B-boys, Bentley and Brody. And my sister, Linda. Gudrun was tense. She had final pet sitting jobs to do and that's when the disaster began forming. It was sort of OK when we stopped on an emergency basis to see the local EMT's. They pronounced her 'likely to live' and we continued on...We postponed dinner but decided we should 'do the tree' anyhow. "Clear a path," said she as she hurried to the bathroom. BLAM. She didn't make it. Poor wretched soul. Poor bathroom. And everything else within range. Yikes. Nasty stuff...and the volume... I could go on and on. We limped onward through the night and into Christmas. Gudrun, weak from her illness, sat on the sidelines as I prepared a pork roast....and then we dined. And, after a fashion, Christmas was saved.
Fast forward two days. I awaken two mornings after Christmas to that rush of saliva feeling...that unmistakable sensation of impending doom. And so it begins...I had caught the illness and it was slapping me 'up side the head' pretty bad. I need not go on and on. Suffice it to say.... I was knocked on my butt for 5 days until New Year's Eve. About the time I realized I looked and sounded better than Dick Clark, I knew I was going to live. And I knew 2011 was going to be a good one.
Here's to blogging, just a wee bit more often!