Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Lost in My Own Cyberspace

So, this morning while walking Baxter, I figured I'd take some photos of the hound wearing his new German-made collar. Sure enough, my trusty iPhone was at the ready. I took the pictures and that was that. Now, having downloaded them to my computer, I just can't seem to find them. I think there's a lesson here. I know I saved them. I know I carefully placed them in a folder.

I know I dated them for easy reference. But no. Five times I search my documents, My Pictures, Desktop, and I see nothing. So, I stopped doing the blog, stopped all other tasks I had been attempting to do at the same time. Then I went file by file in My Pictures. One by one. Painstakingly. And, as you can tell from the picture posted above, I found the folder of photos. There it sat, labeled differently than I had labeled it. I swear, there is a gnome who lives in my computer who changes things, moves things in the night, and wanders my office piling paperwork, old mail, pens, notebooks, seed packages, CD's, semi-used AA batteries, and scraps of paper with reminders on them, all over the place. Thank goodness there's a search function on my computer. Too bad it doesn't always lead me out of my cyber-maze. That search function seems to point to bread crumbs for me to follow part of the way. Then I realize the gnome has eaten most of the bread crumbs. Then I get frustrated. But it's amazing what taking a deep breath and pushing forward can do when dealing with the gnome. There's almost always a solution if the intellect can push aside the gnome of frustration. Onward!

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